Friday, November 18, 2011

Journal #9: "Reading Redefined for a Transmedia Universe" by Annette Lamb

Lamb, A. (2011). Reading redefined for a transmedia universe. Learning and Leading With Technology, 39(3), 12-17. Retrieved from

Summary: This article was very interesting to read, because I am the type of person that avoids reading. I only read for assignments, but after reading about the different advancements being made involving book reading I started to get pretty interested. Ever since I was young, I struggled with reading, because I would struggle with words. Just reading one page of a book, I usually stumble upon two to five words I am unfamiliar with. Picking up a dictionary really wasn't something I wanted to do; it involved me to get up and get the dictionary. Reading about the ebooks really fascinated me, because now readers have access to several tools with their Kindle, Nook, iPad, etc. and I think reading would become much more than just writing words. Lamb was explaining that many authors who have published their books online, include other means of technology that relate to their book. I think reading would be so much more enjoyable with that visual piece. Also, Lamb said that users can highlight and enlarge text, bookmark exactly where they left off, and most importantly look up unknown or unfamiliar words with an online dictionary. Lamb's article excited about reading and the fact that because of technology reading can become so much more than just a linear piece. After reading this article, I have to say I want an iPad so much more, because of the online reading. I want to have access to look up words and highlight main ideas. I think that's why reading really turned me off; I just would get so distracted and lost. I think that because technology is enhancing reading it will become more of an experience for people that struggle or find reading to be boring. Thank you, Technology!

Question #1: By the time I become a teacher, what will reading be like?
Although, I don't have the exact answer to this, I believe that reading (because of technology) will involve a lot more people. Finding someone who doesn't enjoy reading will become harder and harder, because reading will be more than just sitting down and simply reading a book, it will become a dimensional and attention getting experience. It will involve several parts of the brain instead of just one or two. Students will be not only be hearing the story, but seeing it, analyzing it, thinking it, and much more. I can't even begin to imagine what reading will be like in next two some years. I'm excited.

 Question #2: How will digital reading affect the students and how they learn?
I think that because of the advancements that are going on today, children are able to learn quicker than they were before. Students will have some many more ways of accessing information and it will be a lot more involving for them. Children won't stop learning at school, they will come home and work on their parent's iPad and learn new words and stimulate their minds through online games. Technology has so much for us, the real question is how will you use it?

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