Thursday, September 29, 2011

Technology Self Assessment: School 2.0

NETS-T 1 Using School 2.0 I explored a website that was about a worldwide project for students. Teachers from all over the world were making a music video together. This exercise promoted creativity with technology for the students and allowed them to have a virtual experience with other students.

I chose to explore the NETS-T 1, which is "Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity". I picked this specific module, because as a teacher I really want to be able to aid the students with their creativity in technology. I think that's a big part of what education is!
One of the resources that I explored was a website called "Rock Our World". Teachers from all over the world are incorporating music and videos into their lessons. The specific video I watched was a collaboration of schools from all over the world that were singing a song. The song was super inspirational and it was amazing to watch children from all over the world singing together in this video! The website also mentioned that the students are involved in video chats with each other. I think that having the students interact with others from other ends of the world is an awesome experience and gives the children a new idea of friendship. The video shows children from Australia, Peru, China, Canada, the US, and several other countries. I guess as adult, who sees a lot of conflict between different cultures, live styles, and peoples, it's extremely encouraging to see these children singing a song together. It gives hope and connects our world! I really liked looking at this website and it gave me ideas of how I can incorporate creativity in technology in my classroom. I think my future students would really enjoy to have connections with other students from other parts of the world through technology!

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